Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2013 Halloween Cemetery Pillars

The measurements are about 6 inches wide by 6 inches deep.
It is about 4 feet tall.

My other projects 
were just fine using this construction adhesive, but
when I used it to glue foam to foam, 
the adhesive melted the foam.

The instructions on the glue say not
to use it for foam to foam, however.
There is a foam glue
in a caulk gun size that I should have used.
It's blue and about double the price.
I think it was $4 for a tube of foam glue.

I left a space between the middle pieces so that I could run and electrical cord down the
middle for a lighted jack o lantern.

I weighted the foam down so the adhesive would stick better.

I found a pillar that I liked at a cemetery in a small town nearby.

I drew my design on the foam with a pen, then traced it/melted it with a hot soldering gun.
Painted the grout lines with just a latex paint.

Then rolled over the pillar with a grey latex paint.

I didn't pull the plastic off of the one side of the foam and I
didn't think it would matter, but
it did when it came time to paint it.
The plastic stuck out from between the foam, and
made it frustrating to paint, and
the plastic also showed.

I plan to cut out letters to glue down the front. But, this was a big enough project for this year.
(We also made the fence in this picture this year. It was a very long fence. Tutorial to come eventually.)

The pillars are pretty fun to have in my yard.
I would do it again,
but I would do it right the first time
now that I know.